Miyerkules, Pebrero 29, 2012

Alternative to Macromedia Flash 8

If you are having such a hard time doing Animations in Macromedia Flash,
why not try PIVOT V3 ...
this software is perfect for beginners !

with this application it isnt a hassle but this app doesnt include much features because like i said its for beginners ! now here's a video i found where you can learn how to do animation using pivot !

Hope you Enjoy using Pivot ....
by the way heres the link = http://www.mediafire.com/?cohtjzjt3qw

Martes, Pebrero 28, 2012

Alternative to Photoshop !

We know that Photoshop is not a free application that just can be downloaded from the internet, so why waste your time downloading a trial version or paying huge amount of money for it when you have an alternative to Photoshop and that alternative im talking about is Gimp ...
Gimp Logo

 in Gimp you can:
*Edit Pictures
*Tricky Pictures
*and many more !!!

but the problem is it doesnt have much features like photoshop but its worth it !
so why not try gimp today!!!!
link to gimp download :http://www.gimp.org/
here is a video i found where you can learn and observe Gimp:

by tyring gimp you wont waste your time finding Photoshop so today click the link and try Gimp !

Lunes, Pebrero 27, 2012

Stick Page

As much as i love Cosplay i also had the blood of liking Animations, not only making Animations but playing with Animations ! i had found a very great website where i can do that ....

nothing than StickPage.com
this website has very awesome features and expanded imagination!
theres over a thousand of games to choose from made by our vey own creative and awesome animators !
Ooops did i mention you can also watch breathtaking animated stick movies here !
so what are yah watin for ?!
go to=http://www.stickpage.com/ ...........

Macromedia Flash 8

We all know that "Macromedia Flash 8" is the best animation creator ever but the problem is it's not free ! that really hurts but now that i have discovered the link you can now download "Macromedia Flash 8" for FREE !
heres the link= http://www.mediafire.com/?ymqzjczxvmm
after you download here's a tutorial i found for you to follow .....
Enjoy guys !
all credits go to Saverinator for the link he gave!
he's the best friend ever !

Naruto Cosplayer's

Join "Naruto Cosplayers" this is my known very first Cosplay Group that accepts NO ADMISSION FEE and help's any VICTIMS,TROUBLED or STRAYS, the Cosplay Money that you will earn will be given to you 50% while the other 50% will be donated to the poor.

The NCPH will allow you to pick any character's you want,
while you have fun you also help other people!

link to register= http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fncphregister&h=TAQFss1Xe